Nylon brushes are a great choice for scrubbing jobs, whether it be hard flooring, or carpeting. Generally, we recommend soft  “KARPET KARE” (or “KK” for short) for carpeting jobs. The “KK” brushes are a blend of soft white nylon in the inner rows, with medium black bristle around the edge. This allows the brush to be run on carpet without having it dig into the carpet, which usually causes blown fuses or circuit breakers. Solid black bristle can be run on carpeting, but you may need to break the brush in by running it on wet concrete for anywhere from 10-30 minutes. You’ll know when the brush is broken in, as the bristle will take a slight “set” in one direction. Run your hand across the bottom of the bristle, it’ll slide in one direction, and get caught in the other, your brush is now broken in.

21″ Machine Nylon shampoo brush w/plate Review

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